ClientTell to HouseCalls Pro
Please read the descriptions below each video for an explanation of how each HC Pro feature is comparable to features on the ClientTell Portal.
Dashboard Reports
This video offers a detailed exploration of the process for generating Dashboard Reports. The dashboard serves as the platform where you can create reports and access real-time data and results.
This compares to the Current Report you would find under Reminder Manager.
Analytics Reports
This video offers a comprehensive exploration of the process for generating Analytic Reports. Within Analytics, you can create reports to access historical data and results spanning a 90-day period.
This compares to the Custom Report you would find under Reminder Manager.
Broadcast On-Demand Messaging
This video series is designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of the On-Demand messaging/ broadcast portal. Similar to the functionality of Broadcast Manager, it will guide you through the steps to access the portal, upload your list of recipients, choose or create a broadcast message, send the broadcast, and access the Broadcast Report.
Accessing and Logging into the HouseCalls Pro Broadcast/Live Chat
This video covers Accessing and Logging Into the HouseCalls Pro Broadcast/Live Chat.
Accessing and Downloading the Broadcast Report
This video covers Accessing and Downloading the Broadcast Report.
How to upload a list of patients and send them a Broadcast Message
This video covers how to upload a list of patients and send them a Broadcast Message.
How to Use a Template Message for Your Broadcast
This video covers how to Use a Template Message for Your Broadcast.
Sending Broadcasts to those with Scheduled Appointments
This video covers Sending Broadcasts to those with Scheduled Appointments.
Broadcast Email Message Templates
This video covers how to use Broadcast Email Message Templates.